Monday 26 January 2009

The nice old Man With the Grey Hair!

Young Girl: I've come back to collect mammys bag, its over dere.
Me: Do you want to show me the bag?
Young Girl: Its dat pink won over dere..dats mamys bag, the old man with the grey hair said it was ok to leave it here while we went round the stalls.
Me: Colm?
Young Girl: Dats the man mammy was talking to! and dats the bag
Me, I gave her the bag and she skipped away...out of the mouths of babes!! I'd never really noticed that he was that old and grey.
How much is that Hairdye for Men??

Tuesday 20 January 2009


Today is pissing rain outside, but I feel great.. I've gotten over the fact that my gorgeous niece Kate has flown my sisters nest. I remember looking after her as a baby with my daughter Claire who was 11 months older, and pushing the double buggy up and down Tollgate Road! She is very special! The holidays we had when they were kids in Killarney at Kate Kearneys Cottage..trying our best at Ceili dancing!..and the three girls with painted faces wouldn't wash for three days!
Lovely Memories!!
That got me thinking of the great memories and changes I've seen in my life..Huge Leaps of Faith in people and for People. Today is a landmark day Barack Obama an African American President..Martin Luther King said before he was shot that there would be a Black President within 40 years. Great Hope for the Future.
Peace here in Norn Iron,
We've seen men on the moon,
The Berlin wall came down,
Nelson Mandela waked free.. I was minding Kate and Claire then!
Great Goodness in People and Kindness which makes everyone feel good!
..and my babies 24 and 27!! I still remember the tight hold they had on my little finger when I gave them their bottles and the tight hold thy have today as "grown-ups" and I wouldn't have it any other way!!

Saturday 3 January 2009

MORNING: Well!..back to"work" today, theres a little bit of relief around that. I'll be able to stand in the cold (-1) off a roundabout at J1 at our first carboot sale of the year. It was decided we'd go late as there would not be too many there? Why Go?..we need some money!
Its an hilarious start as we're not known here, and as soon as we park, droves of microlight torches vere towards us. As soon as the boot is opened to get the tables out, the torches with people behind them are nearly climbing through the car. I stand defending one side where the jewellery is with a fold out pasting table..and I do quite well, until its taken from my hands and I'm asked "How Much?" Not for Sale, we use it for our jewellery...Deafening Silence! Have you got Gold? Is it real Gold? Scrap Gold? Silver? Any Marcasite? Would ya have a fairy pendant for my daughter in silver? ...Shes 9 today and I thought I'd get something from yourself! (Forward Planning!) "yes" said I, I know I have just give me a bit of room here and I'll let you see it. Got the table down and the jewellery out and she loved the Pendant...and paid for it without a quibble and when I wrapped it in tissue and put in in a voile bag "tanks Mrs. "so I gave her a fairy card as well.
Gold jewellery in all shapes does good today and we sell four rings to one fellah..and I turn corny and say "one each for all the girlfriends?" No....
Every one leaves as quick as they come and we're packed and ready for home by 11.30. Not too bad!
We get home, have a cup of tea....and head for south Dundalk to the Crowne Plaza Hotel Car Park....a nice place?? We have to tow Lisas car north as the clutch and timing belt is bust! They broke down late on their way back to Dublin. We arrive and RossnLisas car is indeed in the car park. Cars are rigged up for the journey northward and we take the first turn out of the car comes the tow-rope! I'm in the car being pulled! He comes back re-does the job and we head off again, this time a sharp turn to the main road..removes the back wing of our car and breaks the tow-rope again!
Now.....the cars are rigged up again and we go safely through until the main 3 lane roundabout at Newry..AND THE TOW ROPE BREAKS on the roundabout..the pulling car travels on, while I grind to a halt midway accross the three lanes. I push the horn furiously..its noted that the car I'm driving has stopped!! He jumps out of the car and so do two other kind motorists who instruct me to keep on "going..going'' down the hill into Newry. I was hoping to go up the Newry By-Pass.
I really won't bore you with the swear words I invented..but lots were longer than two sylables.
He caught up with me almost half way down the hill. "Did you enjoy that?????"
Yeh! I said F*****G Love freewheeling down hills in heavy traffic.
We eventually get home and I eventually get a nice glass of Shiraz...................NICE DAY NOW. I hope tomorrows easier

Tuesday 23 December 2008

Another FIRST..for a while

First ..and never do it again!!
Go to sunny? Lisburn on a days Christmas Shopping with the other half. Followed by the Tesco run in Lisburn (where there was a strong rumour that those 'uns from the Free State are up here taking all our Turkeys...not a turkey crown to be had!) and then followed by the Tesco run to Newcastle ( where Turkey crowns are in abundance)
I must explain thta Lisburn is a 60 mile round trip as I live in the sticks.
The alcohol run has been put back until later tonight, when my daughter and I will hit the drink link (cash point) and then the offies and then I'll relax with a nice Shiraz (not a first)

Monday 22 December 2008


Tonight is my first!! BLOG
and a New Years resolution from the beginning of this year, so I thought I'd be early for next year.
I'll be bringing you ditties from CARBOOT WORLD and Humdrum in County Down..real name Dundrum.
Another first for me the latest day that I've not Christmas Shopped. I've done the window shopping bit and its late night shopping in the local metropolis, Newcastle, so I'm going to go out under cover of darkness and get it done.
Another few firsts soon as I recover from getting this first done
Nite Nite
and Happy Christmas