Monday 22 December 2008


Tonight is my first!! BLOG
and a New Years resolution from the beginning of this year, so I thought I'd be early for next year.
I'll be bringing you ditties from CARBOOT WORLD and Humdrum in County Down..real name Dundrum.
Another first for me the latest day that I've not Christmas Shopped. I've done the window shopping bit and its late night shopping in the local metropolis, Newcastle, so I'm going to go out under cover of darkness and get it done.
Another few firsts soon as I recover from getting this first done
Nite Nite
and Happy Christmas

1 comment:

  1. Hello there!
    Its SO good to have you here in Blogland with me. Ain't the internet a wonderful thing?! I look forward to catching up with snippets of your world. Love you big sis. Fx
