Tuesday 20 January 2009


Today is pissing rain outside, but I feel great.. I've gotten over the fact that my gorgeous niece Kate has flown my sisters nest. I remember looking after her as a baby with my daughter Claire who was 11 months older, and pushing the double buggy up and down Tollgate Road! She is very special! The holidays we had when they were kids in Killarney at Kate Kearneys Cottage..trying our best at Ceili dancing!..and the three girls with painted faces wouldn't wash for three days!
Lovely Memories!!
That got me thinking of the great memories and changes I've seen in my life..Huge Leaps of Faith in people and for People. Today is a landmark day Barack Obama an African American President..Martin Luther King said before he was shot that there would be a Black President within 40 years. Great Hope for the Future.
Peace here in Norn Iron,
We've seen men on the moon,
The Berlin wall came down,
Nelson Mandela waked free.. I was minding Kate and Claire then!
Great Goodness in People and Kindness which makes everyone feel good!
..and my babies 24 and 27!! I still remember the tight hold they had on my little finger when I gave them their bottles and the tight hold thy have today as "grown-ups" and I wouldn't have it any other way!!

1 comment:

  1. Ahhh memories....What a lovely post Mags, now get working on the other 'project'! Fx
